Monday, September 22, 2008

"Take a Good Look Around You"

Tonight, most bizarrely enough, I was inspired by A) my kitchen, and B) the book I just finished reading this afternoon - Girl, Interrupted by Susana Kaysen (highly recommended - great read). And thus was born: Kitchen Monsters.

Now, I'm not exactly sure why my kitchen decided to prod my creative juices into action, but I found something inspiring about its tacky-sixties feel and vomit-yellow tiles (sorry, there is absolutely no other way to describe that color!). Although none of these sketches are in color right now, I plan on doing some illustratory things with them I think. Certainly the above sketch begs some serious dramatic lighting. And that font? How perfect could that be? Weeee!

Susana Kayson's book actually isn't about monsters or anything to do with's more along the lines of a trip into the insane. Literally. I thought it was all very profound and provocative when she talked about reality and our perceptions of it with regard to different people. Each person's reality is different, so who's to say whose is right? What is the definition of a 'normal' reality? I've always wondered if people see the same colors as I do - artists are all attracted to different sets of colors that they use in their maybe the copper-red you use looks more maroon to me. We'd both be right according to our own realities.
I could probably waffle on and on about that sort of thing, but its late and I have to watch Heroes (woo season premiere!). So I shall say that the ending of the book is absolutely fabulous and really gets your mind going, so go out and read it if you haven't already! :D

1 comment:

nancy said...

HAHAHAHAHHAH what lives in my kitchen is TOO HORRIBLE TO CONTEMPLATE!!!!! just ask chris!!!