Sunday, November 14, 2010


Now, I'm a fairly nerdy person and so I am VERY MUCH looking forward to Tron Legacy when it comes out in December! In anticipation I downloaded some wall papers and thought I'd do a little illustration to celebrate my love of glowy blacklight gaming movies. Hur hur.

Girls Drawing Girls 2011 Calendar

I recently snagged the opportunity to create a illustration for the Girls Drawin' Girls 2011 calendar. I teamed up with seriously talented artist Kassandra Heller to create an illustration for the month of April.

Here's the initial sketch of our composition.

And here's the final product!

If you want to see (and own!) more awesome GDG artwork, then grab the calendar before its sold out! Quick, like bunnies! You even get free shipping and a free button before the 18th :D

Inbound 5

Hello blog! I haven't been on here for ages, but I promise I HAVE been doing stuff. Lots of stuff actually.

Remember the cat comic I made a while ago? Well, it's now on sale as part of the Inbound 5 Boston Comics Roundtable Anthology! Ta Da!

There's a lot of really smashing stuff in the book, so I recommend you click here to go to the BCR shop and snag a copy before they sell out! :D

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Anniversary Birdies Part Deux

So I abandoned the cut-paper-on-canvas thing after finishing it and varnishing it. I just suck at cutting things out really small and without tiny details the whole design sort of fell apart. Even with the pretty paper. ::sigh:: Oh well. Better luck next time!
In lieu of having nothing to give my grandparents for their 60th anniversary, I remade the bird idea in Illustrator and printed it out on heavyweight matte paper. I reused a frame I got from a yard sale (two for 8 bucks! what a deal!) that had some really ugly faded 80's artwork in it. I've never reused a frame like that before...screws and wire and fancy brackets! Fortunately I managed to screw it all back together with my new artwork in it. It's small, but it works! Here's hoping it'll stand up to being in my suitcase. I'll pad it EXTRA carefully.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Anniversary Birdies

Here's a new project I've set myself: a paper collage on canvas for my grandparent's 60th wedding anniversary.
So here's the sketch I came up with in Flash (background scanned from the actual sheet of scrapbooking paper I'm using)

And here's how its going so far. Only the background is glued down, figured I'd get all the bits and pieces in place before finalizing with glue. I'm going to try painting over a glossy varnish when done, just to seal it all in place properly (here's hoping that works). I've never tried paper collage to this extent before, but I must say its a wonderfully different feel from paint and digital. It also makes me realize I'm using the oldest cutting mat in existence and the manliest exacto knife evah.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Back With a Comic!

Dear blog, I apologize for leaving you alone for so long. I can only hope that this comic I've been working on for the last month can make up for it a little bit :)

Thursday, May 6, 2010


I must admit, I've gone a bit head-over-heels for this photography thing lately. I promise I will get back to sketches soon, but in the meantime you can head on over to my flickr page and check out my latest photos.

Sunday, May 2, 2010


Why hello dear blog! Sadly I have no new drawings to show, but I did recently purchase a Canon T1i digital SLR which is FAB and I positively drool over it whenever I take it out of the bag. So here are some of the first photos I took with it last weekend.
Jason and I went to a butterfly sanctuary out in Chelmsford and took photos for a friend. I busied myself trying to capture butterflies and tried to focus on getting good color shots. The lens I was using was good for closeups, but I would prefer something with a slightly bigger depth of field as most of my shots came out too blurry - with the focus of the picture on the leaf IN FRONT of the butterfly I was trying to photograph. >.<;

Now, I really wish I'd gotten a better shot of this one, as the pink behind the butterfly (which was someone's shirt) really nicely contrasted the butterfly itself (which was also moving).
Here are a couple non-butterfly photos. I found a house that had these great lion statues outside their front porch. So I made them black and white and went for that aged look. Could probably look better in Lightroom than Photoshop.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Although, I suppose after this last four-day rainstorm, I guess the best solution would be to get in a boat and row yourself over it.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Armless Couple in Color

Final color for the armless couple...think I'm going to call this one Tea At Two.

Holga photos

First photos from the Holga came out pretty good! Night photography's going to be tricky...I think the Holga rocks the blue skies and colored flash indoors.
See more holga photos on my Flickr account! Go here!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Wolfboy and Bearded Lady

More Freak Show pieces...both watercolor and pen on watercolor paper. Wolfboy is actually quite tiny at 5x7, since I ran out of 9x12 paper >.< He also ended up more hip-dj than I had intended, but I think it works well. :)

Monday, February 15, 2010

Totally 'Armless

Here's what will eventually be a watercolor painting for an upcoming show about freaks and sideshow acts. If they let me in that is.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Three Dee

During this past week I decided I'm going to teach myself how to use Maya, since knowledge of a 3d program is pretty much mandatory if you want to land a job anywhere in the animation industry these days (sigh). So, after a few days of dabbling, swearing (why must there be so many hidden menus?!) and a lot of "oooh that's what that does", here's what I managed to slap together.

I'm rather proud of it, despite that it looks totally's my first real foray into the wide world of three dee! I managed to make my own texture map for the mushrooms...though you can't see most of it because of the deep shadows (I loooves me some high contrast lighting..its like working in charcoal!). And I managed to shove my own background in there too. The earthen surface was a texture jpg I got off, a great source for free textures!
In all in all, it's definately opened my eyes to creating things in 3D, though my heart will always belong to 2D! I'd forgotten how much fun it is to learn new stuff! Weee!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

60's Three

Here we go...all three finished paintings. Acrylic on canvas.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Plaid and big hats

Another 60's inspired gal. Acrylic on canvas...and prismacolor marker for the outline because I didn't have a small enough brush.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Sticking Plaster

My brother and I both love Tintin comics, so in celebration of this (and the forth coming film!) and the fact that tomorrow is my brother's birthday, I made him this card! It's actually an accordian card in real life..but reads as a strip anyway. I used potatoshop for coloring and text.
I'm quite tempted to do more Tintin fan art...who knows, maybe there'll be a blog dedicated to Tintin fan art in the near future (or is there one already?), just in time for the movie release!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

60's Glam and Go Go

I've spent the last week toggling through the Sartorialist's blog and various vintage flickr pages for inspiration. Voilá! Sketches aplenty! However, after a stressful last couple of weeks, all I wanted to do was some mindless copying of reference photos. At least that way you don't have to worry about composition and rendering and stuff. Anyway, I'm not going to post those, BUT they did inspire me to do an Illustrator painting...which unintentionally turned out to be a go-go Mary Poppins. And in fact, I have at least another two 60's style sketches in the works.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy 2010!

Happy New Year!
Here are a few paintings I did for christmas. First, a 'history of cameras' set for my friend who is into photography. Acrylic on acrylic board paper (it's actually really nice to paint on!). Probably should've done these in gouache, but seeing as the price of gouache has spun wildly out of control recently, no gouache for me. Stupidly, I took photos of the paintings when they were in frames and had a hard time getting around the the colors aren't exact. >.<;

A digital painting for my future aunt and uncle-in-law! This is the church where they got married about 5 years ago.